Adult Care Home Conference 2023

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Exciting News!

We are beyond excited to share that we will be attending the 2023 Adult Care Home Conference hosted by Multnomah County Department of County Human Services in beautiful Portland, Oregon! 🌲

Our founder, Claud, will also be speaking on “Managing Compliance of Your Homes on a Digital Healthcare Platform” This is a conversation you don’t want to miss!

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Multnomah County Department of County Human Services for hosting what promises to be an enlightening event. We can’t wait to engage with other industry experts and contribute to this essential dialogue.

See you in Portland! 🚀

Click here to learn more about the Adult Care Home Conference 2023:

#AdultCareHome2023 #Synkwise #TechForGood #ElderCare #Innovation #MultnomahCounty #PortlandOregon #CareHomes

Synkwise + RALNATCON

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Exciting News! We’re thrilled to announce that Synkwise will be attending this year’s RALNATCON for the first time! We can’t wait to connect, learn, and share insights with industry leaders and professionals.

Make sure to swing by our booth and say hello! We promise it will be worthwhile! 😉

Click here to learn more about the 2023 Residential Assisted Living National Convention:


Synkwise in Southern California

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Synkwise, a leading provider of innovative technology solutions for residential care facilities, is thrilled to announce its inaugural participation at the 2023 RCFE Conference in Orange County / Costa Mesa.

With a mission to enhance the lives of both caregivers and residents, Synkwise is set to showcase its groundbreaking product lineup and vision for the future of care facilities. The conference presents an exciting opportunity for industry professionals to discover how Synkwise is revolutionizing the way residential care is delivered and experienced.

Synkwise recognizes the invaluable role caregivers play in residential care facilities for the elderly (RCFE). With this understanding, the company has developed an array of cutting-edge technologies to support and empower caregivers in their daily tasks. From advanced electronic health record (EHR) systems to streamlined medication management platforms, Synkwise’s solutions are designed to enhance efficiency and accuracy, allowing caregivers to focus on providing the highest level of care to their residents.

Synkwise’s commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond the innovative solutions it offers. The company is renowned for its comprehensive customer support services, providing round-the-clock assistance and training to ensure a seamless implementation and integration process. Synkwise’s team of dedicated experts is readily available to address any questions or concerns, ensuring that care facilities can harness the full potential of their technological investment.

With its participation at the 2023 RCFE Conference, Synkwise aims to forge meaningful partnerships and foster collaborations that drive the future of residential care facilities. By showcasing its state-of-the-art solutions, Synkwise is poised to make a significant impact on the industry, empowering caregivers, enhancing resident experiences, and optimizing facility management.

Synkwise’s debut at the 2023 RCFE Conference marks an exciting milestone for our startup and the industry as a whole. With its groundbreaking technology solutions designed to empower caregivers, enhance resident experiences, and streamline facility management, Synkwise is set to revolutionize the way care is delivered in residential facilities. As the conference unfolds, attendees can look forward to discovering how Synkwise is reshaping the landscape of residential care with its unwavering commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction.

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2022 Adult Family Home Fall Conference

The Synkwise Team will be in attendance in this year’s upcoming Fall Conference. We’ll provide a live demo and interactive experience of the health-care platform that is empowering the Residential Care Community with tools to thrive!

Register for the event by clicking on the link below:

Registration Link

Care Home Conversations Podcast

July 12, 2022
We’re proud to announce that Claud participated in his first-ever podcast titled The Future of Recordkeeping hosted by Care Home Conversations.

Listen to “The Future of Recordkeeping” on Spreaker.

Follow & Subscribe to Care Home Conversations by visiting:

Founder’s Live Seattle *Results

We’re proud to announce that Claud represented Synkwise well by bringing home the WIN at the Founder’s Live Seattle event! View the official social media post.

We were honored to be alongside a very talented group of startups.
Representing Synkwise with much passion and drive!
That smile says it all 🙂

Founders Live Seattle

We’re excited to have the opportunity to pitch our vision at the Founders Live Seattle event on April 28th, 2022. We’ll be joined by other founders from the Seattle area. Grab tickets by visiting:

Uplifting The Standard of Residential Care With Synkwise

Uplifting The Standard of Residential Care With Synkwise

Finding and maintaining order and visibility in your residential care facility (AFH, ACH, ALH, etc.) can be a daunting task. Each of your residents has unique needs, service, and care plans to be followed diligently, and with these plans changing frequently, it’s not uncommon for some details to be overlooked. This doesn’t only risk providing the highest level of care to your residents, but potentially exposes you to liability from regulatory agencies. 

The Most Common Citation Factors

One of the most common reasons for citations to be issued to a facility involves errors in medication management. Prescriptions for your residents can change frequently as their health and needs evolve, so staying on top of accounting for any meds on hand can get hard to manage in short order. You never want to have orders that are out of date and irrelevant, or medications on hand that residents are no longer prescribed or perhaps in different dosages than required. 

All of this disarray can quickly lead to a situation where administrations are missed or improperly charted. There’s perhaps not a more potentially grave situation for patient well-being and facility liability than this. 

Keeping Care Plans Up To Date  

Residential care facilities are very familiar with the concept of a care or service plan, it guides caregivers in addressing every need of resident patients. They also know just how out of control these plans can become and in short order. When a resident first moves into your facility their care plan can probably fit into a binder just fine, but after a year or more of care, they can quickly balloon to a stack of binders including care plans, face sheets, agreements, medical history, discharge, paperwork, progress notes, etc. This disarray makes full visibility over their health and care nearly impossible to achieve.  

You could try digitizing the information into a word document or PDF, but you’ll soon realize that being able to stay on top of the needs for proper plan management is an astronomical task without a specialized solution. A simple document, even if it is digital, can’t take proactive steps like reminding you of upcoming medication administrations or missed doses. 

You need to ensure that the plan is accurate at all times, signed off on by any relevant parties when developed or altered. On top of that, it needs to be quickly accessible to licensors, doctors and third-party clinicians. None of this can be adequately managed with a single document, likely with far too many versions in circulation. 

Real-Time Visibility

The standard of care for most residential care facilities typically doesn’t permit complete oversight of every resident at all times, let alone remotely. Administrators need to rely solely on the word of their staff to make sure that all patients are receiving medication administration to the proper times and that all care plans are being met diligently. 

It’s almost 2022, facility administrators should be able to have a complete look at the health of their operation from the top down. This will minimize the possibility of mistakes and ensure the highest level of care for your resident patients, allowing your facility to stand out in a landscape where patients have more options every day for managed care. The rest of the medical community has fully embraced the use of technology for health management, why haven’t we for the care of the elderly? 

How Synkwise Raises the Standard of Care 

An all-in-one solution to the management of your residential care facility is here with Synkwise! Using our platform, administrators can have complete visibility over the care and management of every patient. From the dashboard, you can know if there are any potential red flags in your facility from one place. With email alerts and reminders for medications, care plans or any other documents that have an expiration or renewal date.

You’ll never miss a dose again with digital charting and med reminders integrated into each patient’s profile. Every aspect of your facility can be monitored remotely as well as on-site. Every document for each resident resides in a central location with robust organizational tools built-in. All the information you need is at your fingertips when you need it, and all changes made are reflected across the board instantly.

A Better Picture of Health

Having an outlook on the patient’s overall health at any specific time it’s very important, but what’s even more valuable is to see the trend over time. Our fluid progress note charting makes it simple for all staff to complete end-of-shift charting. Taking all of the data points from a specific patient’s chart, Synkwise will generate a visual representation so you can see what direction their Health is heading and what specific factors need to be addressed most. 

We offer a system centered around accountability that lets you focus on completing tasks to enhance residents’ quality of life. This will allow you to give patients the best care possible with complete oversight and the most judicious use of resources on hand. Contact us today to see how Synkwise can raise the standard of care in your facility. 

Managing Care for an Aging Family Member: Where to Start

The responsibility of caring for the needs of an aging loved one can be dizzying. Managing the specifics of their care needs can seem impossible to stay on top of and they evolve constantly. In any situation like this, it’s important to stop and consider a few crucial points to guide you down the right path in caring for your older family member. Once you have a better picture of their needs and where they will go, you can make an informed plan of action for their care. 

What Level of Care is Required

When you first approach the topic of providing support for your loved ones’ care, their needs will likely be basic. Perhaps things like helping with transportation to and from doctor’s appointments if they’re no longer driving themselves. If their mental state begins to decline you will need to be ready to take a more active role in ensuring that any treatment plans are being followed diligently, and this can include the administration of medications. It’s at this point that the stakes are much higher for personal accountability, as any errors in proper medication administration can have dire and potentially life-threatening consequences. 

If the idea of managing the dosing of several medications multiple times each day seems overwhelming or simply impossible due to your schedule and obligations, you may want to start thinking ahead. Perhaps utilizing a care tool or utilizing the services of an in-home care giver to manage the aspects of treatment that you’re not comfortable performing or to ensure the safety and health of your loved one when you’re not around.

At some point, the needs of a loved one can rise to the level where constant care and observation are required around the clock. For even the most dedicated and able family member this level of care simply isn’t possible to maintain. In order to guarantee the health and safety of your family member, they will need to move into a residential care facility. There, skilled medical professionals can make sure that every aspect of their needs, mental and physical, are managed and treated with the utmost care. 

Managing Costs 

The transition between various stages of care comes with many considerations, but the most pressing is often financial. Depending on the insurance coverage your loved one has and your own financial situation, costs and the impact of them can vary drastically. 

You need to become well-versed in the benefits that your family member has at their disposal. With the number of prescriptions numbering into double digits, costs on even basic medications can sometimes get out of hand. Always use a service like GoodRX to make sure you’re getting the best prices on any medications. Often your insurance copay can be higher than the cost afforded to you by the groups that GoodRX and other services utilize.

The biggest costs however come when your time or ability is no longer enough to care for your family member and a medical professional needs to be hired for in-home or residential care. It’s important that if your loved ones’ needs anticipate the use of this more intensive level of care, to plan early. 

Consider Their Ability to Manage Finances and Decisions

Perhaps the most difficult part of having an aging family member is the possibility of mental decline. With it comes the emotional burden but also potential responsibility for the well-being of your loved one. When they can no longer manage their medical needs it’s often not long before the matter of personal finances needs to be addressed. 

As was mentioned before, if you and your loved one anticipate a time in their future where these needs will need to be managed by someone else, it’s crucial to have a plan in place prior to that time. This can include setting aside money for future care and setting up something like an advanced directive so you have the legal authority to act on their behalf should they become incapacitated or unable to represent their best interests adequately. 

Keep it All Together

Making sure that you’re executing all aspects of your loved ones’ treatment plan is critical, but with a dizzying number of medications and appointments, it can be overwhelming to say the least. You’ll quickly end up with a book of medication administration records that can be impossible to keep track of, and even worse you won’t be able to provide oversight to the medical professionals guiding their care. 

Synkwise makes managing every aspect of your family members’ care far simpler. In one place you can keep track of their medication administration, upcoming appointments as well as tracking vitals to help their doctors identify trends in health that can be addressed proactively. And if the time ever comes where your loved one needs to have their care managed entirely by a residential facility you can transfer the records of their care easily and securely, providing the most complete picture of their health for the best possible care. If you or someone you know is just beginning to consider the needs of an aging loved one contact us today to find out more about how we can help you stay on top of it all.